Community Journal

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Standing Tall With Darkness All Around - 1/18/24

The months since October 7 have been full of darkness. And the darkness persists when I think of our hostages, stuffed deep in tunnels in Gaza, under who knows what kind of horrific conditions. They are enveloped in darkness and I am enveloped in darkness, even in my otherwise sunny, carefre…

Agony - 1/17/24

I’m not asking you to speak up. I’m not asking you to share my agony. I am asking you to understand the agony that Sam and I feel and that all Israelis feel and that many of the Jewish people in the world feel. We felt it on October 7 and the pain is just as sharp now. I will not waste y…

The War Against Hamas Is Not A War of Revenge - 1/17/24

It’s not revenge. It’s not retaliation. The events of October 7, the evisceration, decapitation, dismemberment, the rape, the hostage taking, the massacres, the wanton cruelty, the celebration of death. None of this merited a retaliatory war. The war that Israel was forced into on Octobe…

What to Do? Don’t Climb the Walls! - 1/16/24

Yesterday I ended my independent travels in Israel for the time being, and joined the group that inspired this trip in the first place, the partnership of Jewish Federations of the Southeast US and Czech Republic with the Hadera-Eiron Region of Israel. We met at the airport and immediately w…

Facts and Fragments: Facing Genocide - 1/15/24

In recent days the abhorrent charge of genocide by Israel against the inhabitants of Gaza has made world headlines and captured world opinion. Today I will talk a little bit about some of the experiences of my friends on the border with Gaza, who experienced nothing less than attempted genoc…