
16 2021

Federation - The Original Zoom: A Shavuot Experience

5:00PM - 6:30PM  

Zoom Event

Contact Jewish Federation of Florida's Gulf Coast

A unique chance for the entire Pinellas County Jewish Community to study with members of the Board of Rabbis and discuss diverse issues and questions that emerge from the themes of the festival of Shavuot.  Imagine that “Original Zoom Meeting” hosted by the Holy One of Blessing, revealing the Divine Self, establishing the covenant, giving the Torah, the Ten Commandments to the Israelites at Sinai.  Consider Ruth, the Moabite, in the “waiting room” wanting to join the meeting.  Who was actually in the room when it happened?


Discover the many perspectives of the Pinellas County Community through this collaboration.  


Program Partners:

Temple Ahavat Shalom            Congregation B’nai Israel    

Temple Beth-El                Pinellas County Board of Rabbis

Temple B’nai Israel                Menorah Manor

Congregation Beth Shalom            Jewish Federation of Florida’s Gulf Coast