
20 2019

Smoothies in the Sukkah with PJ Library

10:30AM - 12:30PM  

Congregation Beth Shalom 1325 S. Belcher Road
Clearwater, FL

Contact Alex Sembler

Sukkot is a celebration of the fall harvest! PJ Library of Florida's Gulf Coast & Congregation Beth Shalom invite families with children under 8 and younger to "Smoothies in the Sukkah" Sunday, October 20th at 10:30 am.

* Make your own smoothies
* Sukkot Craft
* Story Time
* Music sing-a-longs
* Shake the Lullav & Etrog

Free and Open To All! Please RSVP on the facebook event or to Alex Sembler: asembler@jewishpinellas.org