
7 2015

YAD-Tampa Bay Job Links Networking Event

6:30PM - 9:00PM  

Cooper's Hawk Winery & Restaurant 4110 W. Boy Scout Blvd.
Tampa, FL

Contact Lisa Robbins

The Board of Tampa Bay-Job-Links invites Tampa Bay area young professionals to attend a Tampa Bay YAD Networking Happy Hour.

Be our guest at Cooper’s Hawk and enjoy complimentary drinks and hors’ d oeuvres, schmooze with young professionals and learn effective networking tips from the pros at Tampa Bay-Job-Links!

Wednesday, January 7th
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
7:15 PM Program
Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurant
4110 W. Boy Scout Blvd., Tampa

Space is limited so please RSVP to nikki@TBJL.org
by Friday, January 2, 2015 or call 813.344.0200

For more information about Tampa Bay Job Links, please visit: http://tampabayjoblinks.org/