
30 2022

Hadassah St. Pete - Reliving the Miracle of the Six Day War

7:00PM - 9:00PM  

Hadassah - St. Petersburg
St. Petersburg, FL

Contact Jill Weisberg


After 65 Years, Reliving the Miracle of the 1967 Six Day War
and the Return of Jerusalem. 

Thursday, June 30, 2022  7:00 PM pm Zoom - see link below


Patricia Levinson,  Chair, Hadassah International Communications, will talk about her own experience living in Israel through the Six Day War and celebrating the first Yom Yerushalyim.
"After three days of fighting the news came over the radio. Many of our friends had no idea if their loved ones were alive or dead, but this was truly an occasion to celebrate. Jerusalem was ours!!"

St. Petersburg Yom Yerushalayim Program
Thursday, June 30, 7pm
Join zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 814 5645 3039
Passcode: 710128
Dial: 929 205 6099