
17 2021

Hadassah St. Pete/CBI - Book Group


Contact Jill Weisberg

Hadassah/CBI Book Group

 Wednesday,  March 17, 2021 at 10:30 A.M.
Join us for an important book discussion on The World That We Knew by Alice Hoffman  RSVP to  Jill Weisberg for the zoom link. 

Listen to an interview with Alice Hoffman on The World That We Knew
The World That We Knew
At the time when the world changed, Hanni Kohn knows she must send her twelve-year-old daughter away to save her from the Nazi regime. Her desperation leads her to Ettie, the daughter of a rabbi whose years spent eavesdropping on her father enables her to create a mystical Jewish creature, a rare and unusual golem, who is sworn to protect Hanni’s daughter, Lea. Once Ava is brought to life, she and Lea and Ettie become eternally entwined, their paths fated to cross, their fortunes linked (Amazon)
The April 2021 book for both the day and evening book groups is
The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker