
16 2021

CBI - Kabbalat Shabbat & Summer Sermonettes "Glimpses Into Jewish History"

6:30PM - 8:10PM  

Contact Allison Sapiega



Kabbalat Shabbat & Summer Sermonettes

Upcoming Sessions


1. Friday, June 25, 2021  15 Tammuz 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

2. Friday, July 2, 2021  22 Tammuz 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

3. Friday, July 9, 2021  29 Tammuz 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

4. Friday, July 16, 2021  7 Av 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

5. Friday, July 30, 2021  21 Av 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

6. Friday, August 6, 2021  28 Av 5781

6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


CBI members are again being invited to deliver a Summer Sermonette on a topic of interest. Friday night messages traditionally follow the theme of "Glimpses Into Jewish History," and Saturday morning Sermonettes cover other ritually-related topics.

The current schedule, including available dates, is below:

  • June 25: Betty Sue Shane - "The Ritchie Boys"
  • June 26: Dr. Steve LeVine - "The Three Weeks"
  • July 2: Mark Gottdiener - "Lesser Known Jews of the American West"
  • July 3: Cantor Jonathan Schultz - "A Sermon in Song"
  • July 9: Available
  • July 10: Guest Speaker Karen Tashman, Topic TBD
  • July 16: Available
  • July 17: Eric Pastman - "A Light Among Nations"
  • July 23: Available
  • July 24: Available
  • July 30: Available
  • July 31: Valerie Hyman - "How We Were Jewish In The Time of COVID. Now What?"
  • August 6: Available
  • August 7: Available

We currently anticipate that Friday night messages will be delivered virtually, and the Saturday morning messages will be delivered in shul.

If you are interested in offering a Sermonette, please contact Morry Bornstein at morborn@aol.com with your preferred date.