Hope and Healing: Joing our Divorce Support Group for comfort, support, and learning. The workshop will use a program developed by Alan Wolfelt, Ph.D, "Transceding Divorce," as a guide. This program provides 10 essential touchstones for hope and healing and will help divorcees reconcile and discover a happy and healthy life.
Each participant will receive a copy of a wonderful related book and journal.
There are 6 weekly meetings that will be held from Thursday, April 4th through Thursday, May 9th from 7:00-8:30pm at Congregation Beth Shalom located at 1325 S. Belcher Road in Clearwater.
The workshops and support groups will be led by Renee Baseman, M.A., RMHCI.
The programs are free, but advanced registration is required by calling Sue at 727-479-1811.
Childcare will be available with advanced registration only. The group is open to the entire community!