Affinity Groups

This campaign segment represents a powerful network of professionals that provides members an opportunity to become actively involved in the Jewish community and the mission of the Federation within their peer group.

Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah is a symbol of today’s Jewish woman’s strength, of her caring about the organized Jewish world, and of her financial commitment of at least $5,000 to the Federation's annual campaign. More than 16,000 women world-wide are Lions of Judah.


The Pomegranate honors all women who make a personal gift of at least $1,800 to the annual campaign. These women can show their commitment by wearing a sterling silver Pomegranate pin, representing a commitment to saving lives, and to helping Jews in need around the world.

Cardozo Society

Jewish attorneys in Pinellas who donate a minimum of $1,000 annually and aim to celebrate the legal profession's commitment to the principles of the Federation. The society sponsors programs that integrate Jewish and legal concerns and provides leadership and social networking opportunities.

Maimonides Society

Physicians, dentists, and other health care professionals who donate a minimum of $1,000 annually and seek to strengthen the bonds between themselves, Israel, and the Jewish community. Maimonides Society members serve as resources to the community in philanthropy, health action, and scholarship.