Welcome to our community!

We’re ready to roll out the welcome mat for you. 
Please take a moment to poke around our site, visit our community calendar, and sign up for our e-newsletter.

When you’re ready, fill out the following form to get even more info.

  • Get the Jewish Press

    A perfect way to get to know our local Jewish community. We offer this paper FREE of charge!
    Just fill out the form and get connected.

  • PJ Library

    Free Jewish Books for Kids up to 12!
    The PJ Library® is a unique program that seeks to encourage Jewish families with young children to explore Jewish literature.

  • Join THE TRIBE!

    If you're young, Jewish and looking to get connected to other young adults in the Jewish community of Florida's Gulf Coast, you've come to the right place! Check out our Young Adult Division: THE TRIBE.

  • JCRC

    Get involved with the Jewish Federation of Florida's Gulf Coast through the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC). Currently, we have multiple grassroots initiatives happening to influence the greater and global community.
    Contact us and join us for a meeting!

  • Women's Philanthropy

    This division of the Federation inspires all women in our community to give to their full potential by sharing their time, knowledge, skills and financial commitment with others.

  • Community Calendar

    Check out all of our community's major events, open to the general community through this calendar. A great way to connect with our Jewish community at large.