Updated: February, 2021

Enewsletter & Community Calendar:



Our weekly Community Spotlight e-newsletter comes from events listed on our Community Calendar on our website. The newsletter focuses primarily on events that are coming up in the following two weeks.


We will only be including events in our e-news that have been posted on the Community Calendar on our website, and using the images and flyers posted there. If you run into any issues, please contact jenni@jewishgulfcoast.org


We ask that all organizations please update your events on our Community Calendar to accurately reflect what is going on in our community. As long as your event is on the calendar, it will be included in the e-news.



Please contact Jenni McKay at jenni@jewishgulfcoast.org if you have any questions about how this process works, you need further instructions on how to post on the Community Calendar or you have any other questions. 


Thank you very much! 
- The Jewish Federation of Florida's Gulf Coast