
3 2022

Hadassah St. Pete - H.E.R. Menstrual Equity & Maternal Mental Health Panel

Hadassah St. Petersburg and Lylah Pinellas Chapters

H.E.R. (Keeping women Healthy, Empowered, and Resilient) Menstrual Equity and Maternal Mental Health Panel


To acknowledge Women's Health Awareness Month, on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, at 7:00 pm on zoom, Hadassah St. Petersburg and Lyla Pinellas Chapters are partnering together to bring to Pinellas County an important panel discussion on Menstrual Equity and Maternal Mental Health.  This panel complements the chapters’ drive for women's sanitary products and diapers taking place throughout the month of May.

Viewers will see a clip from the documentary,” Period. End of Sentence,” which won an Oscar this year for best short documentary. Featured on the panel will be the documentary’s producer and Founder and Executive director of The Pad Project, Melissa Berton.

The panel discussion will also include topics such as (1) Period Poverty in Pinellas County and the world; (2) the Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021, a bold, whole-of-government, and comprehensive initiative that seeks to help different populations of women and girls afford and access needed menstrual products. (3) Maternal Mental Health disorders, which are the most common complication of pregnancy and impact, on average, up to 1 in 5 of the expecting and postpartum mothers in the U.S.,

Also featured on the panel are:
Emily Nipps, co-founder Lady Business
Mandi Gross, JD. Maternal Health Advocate, Representing 2020 Mom
Noelle Walters, MSW, LCSW,  Psychotherapist for Individuals, couples, and families in outpatient mental health.

The Zoom ID and Passcode are: Meeting ID: 886 3148 1979   Passcode: 049178 or email for the zoom link.

During the month of May (May 1 - May 31) Hadassah St. Petersburg and Lylah Pinellas chapters will be collecting diapers and feminine hygiene products (tampons & sanitary pads) to be distributed to those in need. Email for drop off locations.