
27 2020

Where are You? Looking for Loved Ones After the War, with Debórah Dwork


Contact Kristen Wright

The Pardoll Family Lecture Series Presents: “Where are You?” Looking for Loved Ones after the War

At war’s end, surviving Jews searched for loved ones.  Where were they?  What had happened to them?  Individuals created lists; organizations created lists.  Lists of those found alive; lists of those known to be dead. Decades before photocopy machines, let alone fax, computer, database, and Internet technology, people looking for loved ones faced many obstacles.  Eager to find their family and friends, and eager to be found, survivors in Europe developed their own means of communication.  In her presentation, Debórah Dwork will trace how survivors searched, and what they found. 

Free to attend. RSVPs are required via https://bookwhen.com/floridaholocaustmuseum/e/ev-sn00-20200127183000 or 727.820.0100 x301.