
18 2016

TampaBay-Job-Links: Building Your Brand and Telling Your Story

9:30AM - 12:00PM  

Building Your Brand and Telling Your Story

Guest Presenter:  Linda Wolfe, Personal Branding Strategist

This interactive hands-on workshop offers strategies for any job seeker at any level struggling with closing the deal. You get interviews, but no job offers. Why? This workshop will answer the simple reason candidates are not successful.

Regardless of age, position or the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand that we are the CEOs of our own companies: “ME INC.”  To be in business today, our most important position is to be head marketer for the brand called YOU.

So what makes people, companies, and organizations successful? They all have one thing in common:  they know how to differentiate themselves from their competition.

Workshop Goals:

  • Gain a clear understanding of branding as it relates to landing a job and have the framework to continue building their personal brand.

What We Will Cover:

  • When and why the idea of a personal brand arrived on the job-search scene
  • The concept of branding and why it is essential to have a brand
  • The Important do’s and don’ts in telling your story
  • Examples of branding statements
  • What goes into the development of a personal brand
  • Where and how to use it once it is developed

Materials Needed:

  • Three hard copies of your résumé and a printed job posting that can be used to create a branding statement.
  • Bring basic research on the company/organization you are interested in, both to understand the business and to consider what challenges/problems the company or organization currently faces. Only then you create and effective branding statement.

Workshop Length: 2½ hours

  • Participants should plan to arrive 15 minutes early. Workshops will begin and end on time.

Who Should Attend:

  • Candidates who will be participating in job and/or informational interviews.

Cost to Attend:

  • Free for Program participants and $15 for guests.

Registration Required:

Dress: Business Casual